Harry Chapin

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I Want to Learn a Love Song

With finals week going on, I keep going back to this song. I would much rather be learning a love song that cramming for theology and physics and such.

Harry wrote this song about how he met his wife, Sandy. I don't need to much explaining, the whole story is right there in the song. It has up upbeat tempo, its a song that is easy to tap your foot to and belt at the top of your lungs. It's always been a favorite of mine. 

I say this with all of Chapin's work. His songs are MUCH better live than recorded. I was in a store one time, a while ago, and Cats in the Cradle came on. And for a hot second, I wondered who would ever think to cover this song. No one did, it was Harry's recorded version. He just sounds better live.

In fact, listen to any of his live stuff. He adds stories, improves, and makes his songs different. I listened to a version of 30,000 pounds of bananas where he added a fourth verse and it was hilarious! I actually laughed out loud. The longer the version of that song, the better. Don't be daunted by how long the song is, it is totally worth it!


Check it out, its a fun story to read about. I tried to find the actual story, but that incident happened a while ago, and who knows if it was archived to an online database.